19/06/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 14/07/74
The means of becoming an embodiment of success like the Father is to have good wishes for everyone.
Today, BapDada is seeing three types of stars amidst this gathering. All of you are the stars of knowledge, but evenamongst the stars of knowledge, what are the three types? One are the stars of success, the second are the lucky starsand the third are the stars of hope. Each star has its own world. Have all of you seen your own world or have youjust seen yourselves? The world means the creation. Are you able to see your creation? Do you know how manyand what things are looked for in the creation? You have seen your own creation, haven't you? Whatever is theFather's creation is also your own creation. You are master creators, are you not? You aren't just going to rule thefather's subjects, are you? Are you not becoming master creators? Will you always be the creation? Creators meansyou are creating your own kingdom, does it not? Everything is numberwise in a kingdom. On what basis is thiscreated? And, even in that, there are your bhagats. The bhagats of the Shaktis are different from the bhagats of the Father.
Who will become your bhagats? On what basis will your bhagats be created? Those souls who experience someform of attainment from the elevated or instrument souls, or who have visions through such souls and experience theattainment of blessings through such souls; they become the subjects or bhagats of these souls. Those who are veryclose souls, those who have a relationship with the Father and who also claim a right to the inheritance from theFather, come into the royal family. At the same time, each soul is creating his own royal family, that is, the soul iscreating the future relationships and royal family; he is creating his subjects and also his bhagats. What are the signsof bhagats and subjects? You have been told about the basis of coming into the kingdom, but what will be thedifference between the subjects and the bhagats? The subjects will only be making effort to attain the attainments ofknowledge and yoga; they will not have a close relationship but will definitely have a distant relationship. Such soulswill be making effort to create a life within the code of conduct according to their worthiness and according to theircapacity. However, in the other two subjects of dharna and Godly service, although they will be cooperativeaccording to their capacity, they will not be an embodiment of success. This is why they are not able to becomesixteen celestial degrees complete. Because of being under the influence of some sanskar or nature, weak souls arenot able to take a high jump. Therefore, instead of becoming part of the royal family or the royal clan, they becomeroyal subjects. And the bhagats will never experience themselves to have all rights. They will have sanskars of beingbhagats till the very end, and they will constantly keep on begging: give me blessings, give me power, have mercy onme, give me strength or give me drishti. Such sanskars of begging and being dependent will be visible in them till thevery end. They will constantly be seekers. Even though they are being inspired to have the intoxication of being achild, of being a master or of being a master almighty authority, they will not be able to have this intoxication. Theywill be content with just a little; this is the sign of bhagats. From this, now see how many subjects and how manybhagats have been created. Bhagats never have the power to come into direct connection with the Father. They arealways content with just coming into connection with souls. The words that repeatedly emerge from them are "Youare my everything". Such bhagats will come to you. Even against your conscious wish, subjects and bhagats of allinstrument souls will continue to be created. Now, do you understand what your world and creation are? As youprogress further, each of you will have a vision of which kingdom you will claim a royal status in, whether a malestatus or a female status.
Achcha, this is about the world of stars, that is, its creation. Amongst the stars, the first number star is the star ofsuccess. What are the signs of the stars of success from which you can check whether you are already a star ofsuccess or a future star of success? What are the signs of the lucky stars and the stars of hope? Even though youknow yourselves, BapDada, with the mirror of knowledge, will give you a vision of three stages. All of you wish tohave visions, do you not? If not with divine vision, you are able to have visions through the mirror of knowledge, areyou not? The sign of the stars of success is that they will have determination in their every thought; that they havehad success many times and that success is guaranteed. They won't have the consciousness of whether there will besuccess or not, or that there should be success even in their dreams, but they will have 100% faith that their success isguaranteed. All their words will have the speciality of being words spoken with faith in the intellect, and their wordswill reveal the spiritual intoxication of being the children of God, that is, Godly intoxication will be visible in them.The arrogance of body consciousness will not be visible in them. Through their words, even those who have adoubtful intellect will develop faith in the intellect, because firstly, they have spiritual Godly intoxication andsecondly, their every word is very powerful. Their words are not ordinary or wasteful and of course, their everyaction is elevated, for their speciality is that many souls will be able to find the right path through their every action.Through the saying "Whatever deeds I perform, others who see me will do the same", their every action will be theform of a teaching. This is known as powerful actions. Only those who have such thoughts, words and deeds will becontent with themselves. Because of being content, they will remain happy; they won't have to make the effort to behappy; they will naturally and constantly be happy. Other souls will also remain content with such souls who are anembodiment of success, that is, the success of contentment in others will be visible as the practical, instant fruit. Thisis not the future fruit, but practical, instant fruit. Seeing such constantly cheerful souls, other souls will also beinfluenced by them and the waves of their sorrow and confusion will be transformed and they will become happy.That is, by coming into contact with such souls, by coming close to such souls, others will be influenced by theirhappiness. Just as those who go close to or in front of the sun experience the rays of the sun against their consciouswish, in the same way, the rays of happiness of those who are an embodiment of success spread over many souls. Itis as when you experience the colour of the Father's company in one second, that is, when you remain yogyukt, youexperience Baba's company and you thereby experience yourself being coloured by that colour. In the same way,other souls experience the colour of the company of those who are the stars of success. This is the sign of those whoare an embodiment of success and a star of success.
The second are the lucky stars. What would be their sign? The lucky stars would especially have a lot of love for theFather and would remain absorbed in Baba's divine activities and experience the sweetness of all relationships withthe Father. Their thoughts would not be powerful, but loving. In their awareness, they will constantly be speaking oftheir meeting with Baba and of Baba's divine activities. They would not have the seed stage so much; they wouldexperience an avyakt meeting and the avyakt stage and a hearttoheart conversation much more. Because of theirlove, and because of breaking off with others and connecting with the One, such souls receive cooperation. Becauseof receiving cooperation from the Father, they don't have to make so much effort and yet they experience a lot ofattainment. They always experience having the good luck of receiving extra help from the Father and of being able togo across. They feel that no one else has as much love as they have. Because of receiving cooperation, their wordshave intoxication within them. The first number souls have that sparkle, whereas the second number souls do nothave that sparkle, but they have intoxication. Those (the first number) are equal to the Father and the second numberare loving to the Father. But on what basis did they receive co operation and on what basis did they become lucky?
The main basis for this is breaking off from everyone else and connecting with One; they are unshakeable and firm inthis one relationship. This is why they are called lucky. The words of one who is an embodiment of success are: Thisis already guaranteed, whereas the words of the lucky stars would be "I understand this, it will definitely happen,Baba will help". This is the second stage.
The third are the stars of hope. Because of not constantly attaining success, such souls have hope that they woulddefinitely do something, that they would reach their destination or that they would definitely become something.However, inbetween, they stop somewhere, they get trapped somewhere and sometimes they even becomedisheartened. Because of experiencing many different types of obstacles, they sometimes become afraid andsometimes become mahavirs. Sometimes, they get the chance to celebrate a meeting with Baba easily andsometimes, they make that connection after having worked hard. This is why they are called the third number. Theywill neither constantly remain happy nor will they constantly remain content, but they will never let go of their hope.They will never even fluctuate in the faith that they belong to the Father. However, because of being weak, theysometimes become disheartened. These are the stars of hope. Do you understand?
Now, look in your mirror of knowledge and check who you are. This was the puzzle you came to solve, was it not?Now, at the end also, this is the puzzle that you have to solve: Who am I? You have to keep the aim of becoming astar of success because you have to become equal to the Father. Do not become content with just having love for theFather. In order for you to become equal to the Father and an embodiment of success like the Father, Baba is simplytelling you two things in two words. It is easy to imbibe just two words, isn't it? Constantly maintain good wishesfor all souls. Whomsoever you come into contact with, whomsoever you come into relationship with andwhomsoever you serve, have good wishes and pure feelings. No matter what form of an examination comes in frontof you, even if that soul comes to make you fluctuate, you must have these two things of good wishes and purefeelings in your thoughts, words and deeds for every soul and you will become an embodiment of success. This iseasy, isn't it? This is the dharma and karma of Brahmins. Whatever is your dharma, so accordingly will be yourkarma. Baba's good wishes and pure feelings for all the children is that each one becomes higher than the Father.This is why the moment He sees or hears of little things, He feels that they should become complete. Does it seemright that a master almighty authority soul should speak of having such vision and attitude? That is, that masteralmighty authority souls should speak of such weaknesses in front of Baba, the Almighty Authority? Therefore, Babais now signalling you to become masters now because after having made yourself this, you have to create the world.Do you understand?
To such sensible children who make whatever they hear and whatever they do the same; to those who followBapDada in every thought and in every word; to the stars of success, the lucky stars and the stars of hope; to thechildren who have a complete right to attaining their aim, BapDada's love, remembrances, good night and namaste.
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